I work at a children's clothing store at the mall. I was putting a new graphic in the window display and a saw a mother and an elementary school child walk by. I was wondering if that child chose to skip school today. I remembered that normally today would have been my favorite school day of the year. It would have been the Valentine's Day Party in school.
Do you remember making your Valentine's Day Mail Box? The Valentine's Day Mail Box was a shoe box that you wrapped in paper and decorated in some sort of theme. The class would always vote on which was the best. Then we would pass out all of our valentines to all of our classmates...of course leaving the most romantic of the 101 Dalmatian themed cards to be given to the hart-throb of the fourth grade.
Of course I was a crafty kid even when I was 10. But I think about all of the awesome things I could do now! Then I remember all of the kids whose parents obviously made there's...hmph.
If I was a mom I don't know if I could resist trying to make the coolest Valentine's Day Box in the classroom.

Anyway I remember one year I decorated mine to look like a patchwork quilt. The next year mine was decorated with crafting supplies; bit of ribbon, glitter, construction paper. I'm pretty sure one year I just covered the box in buttons. I just found this picture.

Oh man... I LOOOOOOOOOOOVED making the Valentine boxes. Sooooooooo cool. I think mine were probably just more along the foil and construction paper lines... but it was still so fun!