
Monday, October 22, 2007

Where did all the research go?

"Looky Looky I got Hooky"
Just joking, but seriously look at what I've done with my new home. Well, I'd rather call it a temporary home. For the dining room I painted and recovered the chairs and brought in this lovely center piece. I still need some candles for it.
The bathroom, I painted the border and added a chandelier. I love chandeliers!

This is the big kahoona! My bedroom where I spend most of my time. My mufatha (mix of Mufassa and Father, you should use this cool new word I made up) and bf (aka Brian-the-boyfriend) made my two desks. I love it! I can lean agains the desks when I'm in bed and reading. The desk on the left is for school work. The desk on the right is for crafts. I need to put something where the Franz poster is. I'm not sure what. The floor cusion folds out so someone can sleep on it, but it is for people to sit on when they come talk to me. I really like my room. It is really hot though! Last night it got down to 40 degrees and I slept with my windows all the way open, it was heavenly.

For more pictures check out my flickr here:


  1. Excellent! I had no idea you were outa the dorms! Everything looks fabulous.

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