If you know me at all this would not surprise you. I have the oddest most vivid dreams every night.
Anyway this one was about me not getting my books in time to go to class, and basically the usual stressful dream about trying to get to a class but never really getting there because there are always obstacles in the way. Anyways I fitfully tried to wake myself up with the reassurance that it was a just a dream but I remembered that I hadn't ordered my books yet! and classes must be starting soon! The truth of the matter was that classes were in fact starting the very next day but I am not signed up for any of them, because I graduated a month ago. I had to tell myself that I was never taking classes again...and I started to panic a little bit...What?!?!?! what will I do with my life?
So I started a few projects...So now I have crafting supplies strewn about my room and partially started projects thrown about as well.
I think I went into project over load. But the idea of them is really fun. So here is the inspiration for a few of the projects I had started...

This comes from an awesome blog by called Attic24 by Lucy.

Project Runway's most famous challenges of creating garments out of unconventional items....
These are the inspirations for what I have lying on my floor right now... Stay tuned to see finished projects.
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